Sunday, March 20, 2022

Daily Reflections

 Reflection 1 l Teaching kids not to lie

Day: Sunday

Time: Morning

Setting: In the "sala" as I was Ironing Xandro's clothes

As I was ironing Xandro's clothes, Xander the older brother was trying to play many things. Later on, I noticed he got tired of playing and got bored of them. I told him you want to play volleyball? Now, this volleyball is his tita Kaye's and she doesn't want Xander to play with it. Hence, I offer it to him. So, Xander said yes! I took the ball the give it Xander. He enjoyed playing the ball. After sometimes, I ask him something that made me realized if I said it incorrectly I know it will not give a good effect to him.

I told him Xander after you play with the ball I want you to return it back to where it belongs ok? He said ok dad. And I said, I don't want you to tell your Tita that you use the ball ok? He said ok, but what if he will ask you Dad "Kuya did Xander play my ball?" what will you say Dad? Here I pause for a moment and think what to say so that he will not think LYING IS GOOD BECAUSE MY DAD IS EVEN DOING IT, I told him well if she asks me that what should I tell her? Do you want me to tell a lie to her? There Xander said NO! And I told him just pray she will not that question.

I know this is a little thing but I hope was able to instill to my eldest son Xander that lying is very bad and not acceptable at any cost and circumstances because the Bible says "Thou shalt not LIE".

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Daily Reflections